Almost disaster…….

Okay, I know there is a heat advisory out for this area, but it did not stop Viper and I from taking a walk together tonight. My intention was to go about 4 miles, but the heat was getting to the boy and I thought it best to cut things short. I figured I might not be too popular if I killed the family dog.

But fortunately we got home in time. I got him upstairs and watered, and he is now downstairs snoozing on the tile floor with the kids as they watch “Lost.” Of course had we not gone out at all, Viper would have been snoozing downstairs on the tile floor with the kids as they watched “Lost.” He loves to walk, but he loves to sleep more. The life he lives cracks me up. If I could only be him!
So we have been out exercising and did our good work for the day. We will be at it again tomorrow too. This Biggest Loser thing does loom, and I do intend to be a lot lighter by August 22nd. Tonight has helped, but I do have a long way to go!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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