Heat wave……..

Although I want to complain about the heat (really the excessive humidity) I will not because I remember the 6 inches of ice on my driveway not too many month ago. My industrial strength moose-sized snow blower could not even make a dent in it, and to be honest it seems a lot more appropriate to be sweaty out on the driveway now than it did then.

But just like then, the weather makes me worry. There are tons of people out there now without air conditioning, and some with it do not have the resources to be able to pay to keep it on. AND IT IS ON A LOT LATELY. Hopefully this heat wave will let up in a bot and things will cool down. I however know that this has been a real wish of mine just about every July I have been alive and AUGUST is on its way. Even the devil would be uncomfortable in this kind of heat.
But as for me, I am getting by. I take the heat as if it is my own personal sauna that I apparently share with everyone (and I am not in a towel out walking around in). It seems to work, but unlike a regular sauna, dehydration is always a risk. Water water water is the name of the game!
So off to bed in a cool room thinking about the heat tomorrow! Even the camels get hot I am sure. But for tonight, I am glad to be out of it…..I hope you are too! Stay cool!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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