Where does it go…….?

Some days just sort of start and end without me hardly even noticing, and sadly today is one such day. I did get a lot accomplished, but to be honest, I am not too sure when or how. I suppose I shouldn’t worry about it, for as far as days go, things could have gone far worse.

I will say that I have hijacked this picture for tonight from my daughter. Scott and Ben have a “suite” that they share (two bedrooms separated by a Jack and Jill bathroom), but they keep both their beds in one and a TV and toys in another. AND of the toys, often things are in sets. For instance there are TWO light sabers, because you cannot fight each other with just one. And as you can see, there are costumes as well. So last night Ben was Mario (not my favorite Mario….mine is Mario Andretti) and Scotty was Luigi. They are a couple of goons when they get into stuff, but since Cassie is an actress, it seemed a fitting tribute for her birthday (plus, she lives here by choice, so it is technically her fault).
But as for me, I am glad that the day is over. It is really my preference to be more in tune with them, so perhaps tomorrow will be a better day……at least it’s another chance!
Hope you have had a stellar day and are keeping cool!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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