A gathering of lions……

This afternoon two more of the girls from Lindenwood (the Lindenwood Lions) came the house for the weekend…..Lindsay, who plays with Steph on the lacrosse team, and Mel a dorm mate of them all. It is GREAT to have them all here, and of course Ben is in what we would declare as “Hog Heaven,” if there is really such a thing.

Lindsay is here because she was scheduled to be one of the featured instructors of a clinic that we were putting on for the entire city of Noblesville, but the whole thing got screwed up in getting off the ground. We will still hold a get together at the house tomorrow if anyone shows up, but sadly it will not be the big event on the high school field we planned.
BUT, the cool part is to get to be around some pretty great gals who I enjoy very much. I am sure they find me a total bore, old, and very out of touch. But what do I care? These are great kids and my daughter’s close friends. I am honored to have them over.
But for now I will call it a day. It is still hotter than all get out and I just am hoping for a cooler day for our gathering tomorrow.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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