Hotter than……..

Well only THREE players of MANY came out to learn about lacrosse today, but a lot of them were out of town, and a lot more of them were pretty smart…it was hotter than all get out! BUT, we held it nonetheless. And in addition to a great lunch and some lacrosse, there was some TV in the cool cool basement and some relaxing fellowship.

Sure, I had envisioned a big event, but the event I envisioned will definitely take place next summer. I was just happy to see some of the girls, to have some time with them, and most of all to not see any of them die of heat exhaustion. (I understand that most parents frown on that.)
But in all honesty, I am glad we are by this, and my hope and prayer is that it will not be as hot next summer when we are out on the high school field. I cannot even imagine that it could be, as it was approximately 200 degrees outside today.
SO as I understand it, the heat will only be here about another 12 hours. Who’d have ever thought I would be missing all the rain, or even the ice of brutal winter we suffered. But hopefully this next week will make the 80’s and 90’s seem wonderful! We will see. I am just glad I have no more potential heat-problem events scheduled.
Oh yeah, I have church tomorrow….but I have to confess… is air conditioned there!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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