Notes on a Sunday…….

It has been an odd day, one upon which I only celebrated at one service, but I was not responsible for doing the sermon. It seemed very weird to me, but I seemed to survive it nonetheless.

If the truth be known, although I used to hate working on my sermons, I kind of enjoy it now. Perhaps it is the loss of brain cells, I do not know. What I can say is that I have never bought colleagues who spout about what a privilege it is. It is really hard work, and the idea that we talk about our faith is not something just reserved for us “pros.” It is the responsibility of the entire Church.
Of course there lies the problem. People count on their pastors to do the talking and what we get in all of that is pretty inefficient and ineffective results. Sure some pastors seem to have the kind of charisma that seems to get people to follow them more than the Pied Piper with rats, or St. Patrick with snakes (or Kim Kardashian with people that need more to do). But in the end it often seems to be that the people are following a person, and that person is the pastor, rather than who the pastor should be following. (That’s also part of the problem in that many pastors tend to be more full of themselves than Jesus).
But all this is to say, I missed it. Next Sunday is coming though, and I will do one sermon three different times. Still it will seem like a bit of slacking, but it will be good to get back in the saddle once again!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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