For a friend…..

For those of you who know me, it would obviously take a lot for me to be in ANY KIND of St. Louis Cardinal attire, but my daughter’s good friend and team mate Lindsey Brown came to stay with us this weekend and she was bearing gifts. And this gift was a St. Louis Cardinals t-shirt.

Of course I know her quite well. The gift was the epitome of PASSIVE AGGRESSIVENESS, and although I appreciated the gift, I knew what it meant. I also wondered if she knew or expected the Cub’s baby blanket I gave her (in the very same bag) was given in the same vein. My guess is that she did. She and I have been at each other about this rivalry the whole time we have known each other.
The great part however is that it is all in good fun. The Cardinals will most likely make the playoffs this year while the Cubs will not….but I do not fret.
I am already looking forward to the Albert Pojols CUBS JERSEY I will buy her when her big star leaves her for me for more money. Oh I will not rub it in….but please do expect the picture of her wearing that jersey posted here on my blog!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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