
Today was not the 100th day of school for Ben, (ask him….he is quite literal about everything) but it was the day Lapel Elementary celebrated it.  Each class year has a different theme.  Last year, for regular readers, you may remember his gumball machine filled with 100 gumballs.  They had to make something with 100 of anything.

But first grade is quite a bit cooler, because everyone in first grade gets to dress up like my dad, I mean a 100 year old, and it is a stitch to see (using 100 year old terminology).  Ben worked on his costume hard, and was able to put together quite an outfit.  The cane is mine from when I hurt my back, but the top was cracked so I cut it to size.  Amanda’s friend Vashti provided the cool hat, although I am sure she is missing it tonight.  And Ben went to school looking to me just like a cleaned up version of Gabby Johnson from “Blazing Saddles.”

Now as his dad, (not Gabby Johnson’s, but Ben’s) I thought he might ask me for some pointers about being old.  Of course I admit I was exceptionally young when we had him, so when he didn’t ask I told him to call my dad……which he wouldn’t.  I swore to him that he could ask my dad how to yell, “Get off my porch you young whippersnappers,” while shaking the cane and that he would be a hit.  But even though Ben thinks Grandpa is actually 103, his lack of beard and cane apparently disqualified him from such an appointment.

But needless to say, he looked pretty marvelous heading to school.  When he takes off his glasses the eyebrows come with them, which is a little creepy at first, but you get used to it.  He has now passed a first grade marker he will always remember, and plus as a bonus he has yet another disguise for his costume truck.  It is impressive.

It is pretty cool to see all the kids at 100 too.  Of course if it were real I would long be gone.  Which today is kind of thankful that it was just all pretend.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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