Knick Knack Paddy Whack…….

It appears as if I am a day behind, but that is really not so. I just have had more to write about on each of the past couple of days and I didn’t want it to be all disconnected.

But yesterday Scotty and I headed up to Goshen, Indiana in the truck (that just the day before was in Nashville, Indiana) to help my family with some of the moving of my grandma. My grandma is 95 and had finally decided (reluctantly) to enter into assisted living. And although she lived in a pretty small one room apartment, the move to assisted living was a significant downsize. And being the only one with a truck, I offered my services (driving) and Scott’s services (lifting and everything else) to clear out the big things of what was left.
First of all, it was great to see my grandma. I know she was not too keen on moving into this new place, but all of us feel a great deal of relief that she has. People will now cook, clean and monitor her medicine for her. And it will be nice to not worry about that anymore.
But honestly it was weird taking stuff out to the truck, most of which I had grown up with my entire life. Some of it had already made its way to my mom’s brother’s home in Fort Wayne. Other things Soctt and I dropped off at my mom’s sister’s in Muncie. And of course the rest that was in the truck came home here to stay.
Really, none of it has any big cash value, and even if it did, no one in our family would really care. It ALL however has sentimental meaning, and that is why when I will walk by the few things I brought here (over the course of the rest of my life) they will remind me of my grandparents and all they have meant to me. And of course sitting down with my grandma does that too! But I am not able to get up there to Goshen as much as I want to, nor as much as I should.
There were quite a few things that made the trip here. And the one in the picture is of a step stool that many grandkids stood on to do various things. Ben was pretty pumped about using it, here to brush his teeth. The other things are more knick-knack-ish. But a big one is an end table that used to sit next to my grandpa’s chair (yes it as his chair) for as long as I can remember. All of it is pretty cool to me.
And in all truth, I am honored to be the steward now of these important treasures……even that little stool!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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