Hanging with bikers….

Okay, it is not what you probably thought from the title, but in all honesty it is quite true. Ben got a big-boy bike (with training wheels) tonight and it was a pretty big thing.

Part of the reason it was so big was that Ben was no just “kind of” but truly the poster child of a kid who could not master (or even apprentice) riding a tricycle. He was a total goober on the three wheeler, and it was not just embarrassing, but problematic in visits to the doctor where he was identified (because of his kiddie-cycle incompetence) underdeveloped.
Now of course as a Tirman, I am used to, and expect such a diagnosis of my offspring. But Amanda is a scientist, and actually pretty bright (other than the marrying me thing) and her expectations are far higher than mine. Being a Tirman means people underestimate you and you just prove them wrong. Being a Mongold apparently means you are perfect right from the start. And that is why the whole tricycle thing was killing her.
But Ben is apparently a cycling savant. We should have just put him on the regular bike at birth, because he acted like it was something he was born to do. No, I am not saying he is ready for the Tour de Franz, one, because biking in my family is not a sport; and two, because his brother and sister have already claimed him as a lacrosse player. (I am thankful for that but would have preferred ice hockey because it is God’s favorite sport.)
But regardless, it was fun seeing him on the bike….AND doing well on it too. Soon the training wheels will be off and he will be all over the neighborhood. I know how this works……..God gives us children to make us proud and to send us to an early grave.
My kids are succeeding!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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