Ouch ouch ouch……

Twenty-five years ago in seminary, I began a sermon about Jonah with the words, “I am not a prophet, and I have never been swallowed by a fish.” And these are words that my partner in ministry, Father Kelly Irish laughed at then, and still brings up today.

BUT…..yesterday I predicted disaster, and today it came true!!! Amanda tried to hop a plane standby early from Des Moines, but with weather and Chicago, Ben and I picked her up and arrived home at FOUR in the MORNING! (no worries though, I was able to sleep in because I HAD AN EARLY DOCTOR APPOINTMENT!!!)
But this is to say I am really out of sorts…..so sorry for the short post. It is just the product of a tired mind. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Goodnight (or good morning) and God Bless.

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