The good portion……..

Well I am traveling myself again, and tonight I am in Columbus, Ohio. I have to be at a national conference tomorrow for Anglican 4th Day (see Cursillo, Walk to Emmaus, The Great Banquet) for which I am one of the speakers. And I am concerned that this will be probably the longest talk I have done in years, particularly since my stroke. AND…..I am still working on the talk. No worries, eh? And of course no stress either.

That is why this picture I found was such a blessing. I took it a few days ago and had forgotten all about it. The chairs are some from my grandma’s apartment that will be making there way to college with Steph in a few weeks, but for now they are sitting in my office. The boy however is mine, and he will be staying with me for at least a few more years, and if he has his way, forever. But he came into my office, sat there, and just went on about God knows what as if it were the most important thing in the world.
It was a helpful picture to find. I am too stressed, but this reminded me to choose the good portion……
In the end the talk will be fine. Heck, I have been at this for forever and they haven’t thrown me out yet. In all honesty I really doubt that this will change their mind.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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