Pittsburgh is disturbing…….

Gee whiz……I hope my this isn’t an indicator of what I am in for here, but I had a headache today, AND I had forgotten to bring black socks (white socks look stupid with clergy wear), so I made my way to the Wal-Mart to buy some Advil and socks.

What I saw however was disturbing……a bunch of little birds……..carnivorous, deranged, weird little birds, all fighting over a piece of fried CHICKEN that had been dropped in the parking lot! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE GUYS???
It reminded me of a cartoon I used to have on my office wall of a cow cooking hamburgers on a grill and the other cows standing with him saying, “You’re sick Jesse, sick sick sick.” Of course that was a cartoon, and it was funny. But these little killers are actually out there waiting for us! I mean, what happens when that chicken is gone? Will they seek out the weak and helpless? I mean, I have a pretty bad headache!
So I will be on the lookout all day and weekend.
Death by sparrow will not be happening to me.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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