
Although our government seems incapable of it, I believe I am making progress as I am now half way home. I will arrive at my house tomorrow and believe it or not, sleep in my own bed. I am looking forward to it. To be honest, I am really tired of carrying everything around.

Another blessing in all of this is that I feel I am making a lot of progress on a lot of the things I have had going through my mind. I just wish I were further along in these thoughts though. My mind goes a mile a minute, and it always has. Post stroke however my fast moving mind was my worst enemy… I am pretty confident I can handle it. My mind still whirls, but off the meds I am seeing I have a much clearer understanding of that than I did before.
No, clearly the function is a bit, if not grossly, backward, but I feel I have a line on it. I am excited abut the possibilities. I am sick of medicines and fact that I may be free of them in just a few days is clearly progress to me!!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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