Home Sweet Home………

Oh the beautiful town of Edgewood, Indiana! Of course when I arrived, there was really no welcoming committee. I carried in all my bags alone, and even the dog didn’t seem that interested. But if you do not catch him during the 45 minutes he is up per day he isn’t really responsible. But arriving when late afternoon did avail me the opportunity to unpack and get a few things settled.

There were however problems. One, I have spent the better part of the last week sleeping in hotels with the temperature turned down to at least 60 degrees. I found our house a little bit warmer than that. Two, I had not had access to enough office equipment on my trip to get the things done that I had to do for the ordinations that are scheduled for tomorrow night…….so I also had a TON of work waiting for me here. Fortunately, even after they all returned home, there was no parade or speeches to be made. We just ate dinner and I could get back at it.
But nonetheless, it is good to be home. The next few days will be packed with plenty to do, but the end of the week should free itself up and perhaps give me a couple of days to just relax.
If I can just figure out how to make it 60 degrees here that would be awesome!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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