A night of incredible blessings……..

Tonight we enjoyed a marvelous celebration where three men were ordained Deacon by Bishop Loomis at St. Anne’s in Anderson. We welcome to our staff (not really, they were already on it but their titles have changed) the Reverend Deacon Kim Akers, the Reverend Deacon Skip Beyer, and the Reverend Deacon Robert Jennings. All three are pretty good guys (well, at least two of them are) and it was a real blessing to be a part of this celebration.

And of course it is always a blessing to get to be with my good friend the Bishop. Doc is an amazing man with a real servant’s heart. He always does a great job wherever he goes, yet I always feel badly in that I think we often exhaust him. I am sure the other guys who do my job feel the same way too. I am led to remember that line that about 1000 celebrities think is about them, that they are “the busiest guy in show business.” That appears to be always up for grabs. Doc however is truly the busiest Bishop in the Church, and we love him and appreciate him. And he drives more miles in a month the Mario Andretti did in a lifetime.
But the big news it that we now have three more deacons and are looking ahead to the future. It has been a night of incredible blessing. And although I would love to stay up some more and contemplate all of it, I think instead I will go to sleep and get some blessing from my bed!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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