A healthy meal……

I sent her this picture…..she could not make it out as you will not be able to either. She seemed to think it was a cute little bunny who made its way into her garden for a snack. After all, everyone loves bunnies.

But the truth is that it was a pretty good-sized groundhog, or woodchuck. And it was not there to chuck wood, it was there to eat leaves….which I hope makes her feel better. It really kills me that that garden is full of vegetables and that cute little woodchuck just wants to eat the leaves.
Sadly however, I scared it away when I tried to sneak around to get a better picture. I do hope it comes back. It clearly was not afraid of our plastic owl, and it seemed pretty hungry. And I am sure it was not its first time there….along with all the raccoons, squirrels, and birds we have been sharing with as well. It was just cool to see it. It stayed on the peripheries for just a second and then went into the center of the garden (with the owl). Amanda would have had a stroke of her own seeing it. But it really did make my day.
Anyway, there really are plenty of veggies to go around there. We send a lot to the Christian Center, eat a lot ourselves, and apparently feed every rodent (not the filthy stinky icky kind) within within our neighborhood. It’s fun, and I have a bird’s eye view from my office.
I needed to see that today too. I have enough on my mind. It was nice to just see the little woodchuck have a time of it. It deserved it.
It was probably tired form all that chucking of wood.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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