A day of transitions……

We have had a rough few days here in Indiana….thus this post is delayed. My mom, who has Alzheimer’s and is in a nursing home here, has taken a turn for the worse. I did not want to post too soon, because my Uncle will be talking to her mom, my grandma about this Saturday. There is nothing more disrespectful than hearing something so personal second-hand. We just wanted to make sure she heard about it Saturday, and in person.

But my mom has made the decision to stop all treatment, and she has done this at a time that she is already sick. The IV with the important antibiotics was disconnected tonight at 9pm, per her wishes, and although I am not a medical doctor, I can say I believe they have not yet got that infection under control. I anticipate her getting worse and not better, but in truth, it is her decision and I respect her for that.
So today is a day of uncertainty. although we are pretty sure of it’s direction. Please keep her and us in your prayers. I will update you on this daily, but for now the waters are calm.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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