What a Calamity!

With all that is happening I needed a break, and my cousin Chrissy provided me with one tonight. She is a wonderful young woman who has always been as sweet as the day is long, but she also has an alter-ego……”#33 – Chrissy Calamity.” That’s right, my dear sweet cousin is a certified killer, a REAL Roller Derby skater!

And tonight she invited us to come out and watch a match in Indianapolis, and I have to say that it was one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed in my life! I was pulling for her and her team all the way, and I was surprised at how very competitive it was.
Of course I came to this as an ice hockey player. I was sure, coming from what is often said to be the toughest sport in the world, that watching some young women (not all of them were young) skating in circles and trying to get by each other would bore me. BUT, these women are tough. They wear a lot less in terms of padding (and clothes) than your run of the mill hockey player, and they get A LOT more contact (almost constant) than we ever do. PLUS, I cannot roller skate (it is VERY different from ice skating) and when you fall on a roller rink YOU STOP. On ice we slide. Sure occasionally someone gets teed into the boards, but that is rare. These women get it all the time.
But in all honesty, it was just what I needed. Scotty and Ben had a blast too (we sat next to Aunt Suzie, my mom’s sister and Chrissy’s mom). It took my mind off, ever so briefly, of what is happening with my mom. It was a real blessing to me.
As for my mom, she vacillates between reality and wherever she is. Today she was able to talk, though not much. She asked me how her parents were (her first question to me in years, and only the second I know of, since she asked my cousin Steve what he was looking at yesterday). I told her all about her mom, my grandma, who is just now in assisted living in Goshen (but still at 95 as sharp as a tack). And then sadly, I had to remind her that my grandpa, her dad, died some 15 years ago. That seemed to disturb her, but she forgot it all in just a few minutes.
Life does take some turns….some sad, some joyous. Today has been a day for both.
But tonight my cousin really gave me a remarkable gift, and it couldn’t have been at a better time.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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