
Well today is my second full day off the medicine, and to be honest, I do not see a big change in my weight, but then again I am having to deal with all sorts of withdrawal symptoms, so I suppose it will still be with me awhile.

I do hope that the dang dizziness stops. It is driving me nuts and I feel like a drunk 90% of the time. Of course drinking might help justify such actions, but in all honesty I am just hoping to stick this out. I have read that this is a pretty difficult road, and that many people give up. I however will not be one of them. I need to stay off it and get myself back to where I want to be.
With that, I will also say that I am dropping out or conceding the Biggest Loser competition that I have been in with my wife’s family. When I made the decision to go off these meds for the sake of my health and weight, I also made the decision to not agitate myself through the process. Of course I was hoping that just weaning off the drug would kick up my metabolism, but apparently the effects of this stuff will be with me awhile yet. And the stress of worrying about it is enough for me now. So I will get to where I can make this a win/win for myself and not fret about the rest. Lord knows I have enough to worry about already.
I went into see my mom today and she looked good, but was unresponsive. And although I tried to wake her, I figured she was just medicated. I will try again tomorrow. I understand that this is not about me, but her. She deserves to rest and not to be roused all the time to say something to reassure us that she can see us. I hope she has a great nap!
Anyway….me and my dizzy head are already here in bed at 8pm. I hope tomorrow sees me doing better.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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