Hospice for mom…….

Well I spent some time with the good people from Hospice this afternoon, making sure my mom was signed up and good to go with them. I have custody of my mom, and she has been in a nursing home for many years now, although she is just 71, suffering from Alzheimer’s.

But it is now clearly time to make this move. She has been pretty sick, was lucid enough to let us know she wanted to discontinue treatment, and as quickly as she sort of reappeared, her brain just drifted away again. We had a couple of days of sentences from her, and even a couple of questions. Now we are back to just one, and maybe two words if we are lucky.
It has been a long road for her, and we now take the turn for her final journey home. Keep her in your prayers (her name is Kay). I am just glad to know she will now be taken care of by people who specialize in the end of her life.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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