I have no idea what I am doing……

With all that is going on here, I stayed behind in Indiana while Amanda, Steph, and Ben headed to Missouri to take Steph back to college. I really wanted to go, but with my mom’s passing yesterday I needed to stay here and take care of a few things. I have been surprised at how much there is to do when someone dies. I guess I have never had to deal with all the details before.

But I am making headway. I got her pension payments stopped. I got the information for her death certificate to the right place. I contacted the cemetery in Evansville, where we will bury her next to my sister Stephanie sometime within the next few weeks or months (she has been cremated). And I am pretty sure I did quite a few other things pertaining to this that I cannot remember.
And….I have heard from A LOT of people. It is touching, really, but also a bit overwhelming. But I am just plugging along and hoping that I am not forgetting anything. So far so good. I suppose we will see how well I have done as all the calls and paperwork begin to die down.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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