
Ours is a big scary house when you are staying here alone, and that’s exactly what I am doing since Scott called a bit earlier and said he was staying with friends. I do not normally get spooked by such things either, but it would be far easier if our home didn’t look like 95% of the places checked out by the Ghosthunters.

Of course I need not worry, after all, Viper is…………asleep. And the cat ALWAYS just walks around and stares creepily at places where nothing is clearly there because that is just what cats do. But really, I am tired of it tonight.
Tomorrow I will be speaking at three of our churches and it will be a long day. Rest is exactly what I need and although I am going to try to take it EXTREMELY easy this week beginning on Monday, the first order of doing that is making sure I make it TO Monday.
Oddly enough, though I complain about it often, I miss Ben’s little feet jammed into my side. He wakes up in the middle of most nights and sneaks in our room. He has cold feet so he needs to put them somewhere to be comfortable…..after all, it is all about him. Yet there is just something about me that is used to it. Pretty weird, I know.
But for now I will just try and coast out to sleep. I am pretty sure if there are ghosts they would find haunting Viper and I quite dull anyway.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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