No complaints……

I came to the firm conclusion this afternoon that my life would be far easier if I didn’t have to work, had no family, or a funeral to plan……but sadly I am a bit tied into all three.

Things at work have been building into a bit more intensity, while my family just keeps adding more and more for me to do! Of course had I entered a monastery as I considered out of seminary, my guess is I would be wondering why, with the brilliant mind I possess, I was the potato peeler. So I suppose I should, as they say, just bloom where I am planted……..but I still have some complaints.
It seems as if my life is always busy, and although there are varying degrees of intensity to it all, if the truth be known, it is my life and I am committed to live with it (much to the chagrin of my family I am sure.)
But who am I to complain….my life is really pretty good.
And if only I were in charge, how much better would it be!!!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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