About the Biggest Loser……

Yes, I am willing to concede that I am the Biggest Loser, but not in the way that would lay claims to the fact that I have lost the most weight, because I am certain I have not. But I have made some significant changes that I believe will lead to that. And for that I am thankful.

Of course it is odd to me that the August 22nd end of the competition came and went without any mention of a winner. I have decided not to ask. Perhaps everyone is as much a miserable failure at it as me, but I am doubtful. Amanda has lost quite a bit of weight, and although I am jealous I do enjoy the looks. People must think I am filthy rich if she is walking around with a big old slob like me!
But beyond all the competition, today was the first day I was not dizzy post-coming off the meds. AND, sad but true, I didn’t eat a thing today but not with any intention to do so…..it just happened. I think it is a sign of things to come, because had I not been tied up with all sorts of work stuff today I probably would have hit the YMCA. I am feeling it, and that is a blessing.
So tomorrow Amanda heads for Europe till September 2nd. Steph is at college, Scott is in Michigan where he is playing drums as his old band that had broken up, is back together to open for another band for three shows. Apparently the opening act requested they get back together to play for them. They all agreed and so they are off.
But Ben and I will survive. We will probably just play and hang out the whole time. We may even go up to visit my grandma in Goshen one day. It will be an adventure for sure.
But for now I want to head to bed before I realize I could order myself a pizza! (actually I do not think I would) But thank God for the victories and thank God for today. I may not be much….but tomorrow I will be a little thinner!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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