Sexy? Well…no…….

Just days after making fun of Amanda’s car I found myself driving her to someplace hearing her complain of how much she hated her car. Of course, although my car is a much more sexy version of the great gas mileage set, one of the things I despise about it is that it is a stick. No, I have no objection to driving a stick, but since my car is my office, I hate shifting while talking, drinking coffee, and most importantly…..sleeping while I work!

So in my brilliance I said, “take the Matrix,” and although she questioned me about it for a bit, the bottom line is that I am now the proud driver of a baby blue (they call it sliver-blue….they are MORONS) 2003 Honda Civic. And yes, I will no longer have to shift, and yes I will peel the LU Mom sticker off the back, but I will be in HEAVEN.
Sure, it is my JOB to make fun of such a thing when I am not driving it…..but I have been trying to talk her into a MINIVAN for years. I am very secure in myself, and I could drive a pink car if I had to. I just want to be comfortable.
So I will just have to get used to 50 miles a gallon and no shifting I guess. Is is sexy? Well, no….but who in the world cares. At 50, no one sees me as sexy anymore!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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