Bachelor days…….

It has been a long time since Ben and I had each other ALL DAY, but today was such a day. Amanda is in Europe, Scotty is in Michigan, and Steph is at college……so he had to go with me to two services today and he sat with other people.

First of all, a big “shout-out” to Kris Lingenfelter who had him at the first service and then Jewel Morgan and her mom Pat Bell for having him at the second. All and all he did pretty well, but the day is ending in a pretty bizarre way because he is here in my bed with me because “he does not want me to be scared.” I did hear from Scott who should be home in about 30 minutes, so I imagine my security will not be all that important within the hour. What I will say however is that it has been an adventure.
Amanda has called a few times during the day to talk to him. She never seems to know what time it is, and sadly that seems to frustrate her. Ben however is immune to time, and just wants to share his bizarre world with her or anyone who will listen. At least they had some time to chat. It is his call in life to update the world on his latest adventure….tonight “Spy Kids 3.”
But hanging with him helps distract my brain from the reality that often just drags me down. I suppose that is why some people watch TV, or do other things to take them away (like Calgon) and it is healthy for me for sure. I am thankful for the opportunity… opportunity I will have ALL WEEK!
So for now I will just wait out Scott’s return and deal with the fallout. In the meantime I will stop typing and get back to him as he beckoned me saying, “Hey Dude, guess what these are?”
I do not know, but I intend to find out.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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