Boy’s Night Out……

It started with just an innocent little detour towards Panera, when Ben said he wanted macaroni and cheese. Panera was a bit crowded anyway, but more than that, I didn’t think they had macaroni and cheese… off we went to Logan’s Roadhouse.

There Ben ate bread, cheesesticks, fries, and yes, macaroni. He had a kid’s sized diet soda, and after a trip to the Meijer, Scott and I decided to take him to the Putt-Putt. There are not too many of them around anymore, but Anderson has one. And although the Putt-Putt was in pretty bad shape it didn’t stop Scott and I from laughing our brains out. Ben was hilarious, and he not only cheated, but the last three holes he didn’t even used a club, because kicking the ball for him was more effective. And on one hole he even kicked a hole in one! Outstanding!
But I hope you enjoy the picture and there is a short video (below) as well. Ben had a ball……and Scotty and I did as well. Blessings!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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