Making the hard road a bit easier……

I wish things were easier, I really do, but for now I will just need to ride this out.  My grandma is in bad shape, and her time on this side of heaven is very limited, but it is important to be with her nonetheless.  I was with her this morning, and then went to pick up the boys to be with her again until we left for home a little after noon.

But if there is a blessing in any of this it has been to be with them both.  Scott and Ben are exceptionally close, and although Scott is 6’1″ and Ben is no where near that, they still think of themselves as twins and Ben works hard to boss Scott around.  It makes me laugh, and more than that, it takes my mind off of self-focused thoughts keeps me focused on the right things.

And I know this is hard on both of them as well, Scott in particular.

Please keep all of us, and particularly my grandma in your prayers.  I am just thankful for the boys in all of this….they truly do make this hard road a lot easier.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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