Not so fast…….

It has been a day of very little change here in Goshen, other than we know in terms of time we are but one day closer to the end of her life.  But here in Goshen, not too much of anything goes fast.  It is something that has always endeared this place to me…..I mean, other than being the home of my grandparents.

But the community is a clash between two worlds….the modern world and the Amish world.  Cars and buggies, and buggies and cars.  Yet, even without the buggies, Goshen would be no New York.  It is typical Indiana.  The people are friendly and people say “hi” when you walk by.  In the hospital, or in restaurants, people ask you about YOU, and there is always that feeling of home.  And what I should confess is that the very fact that this happens here is very comforting to me.

But for now, I will call it a day.  At 10pm, my grandma was resting, finally, yet clearly we know where we are heading.  It is exhausting, but well worth it.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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