The return……

Well we are back at home, and although I am happy to be here, being here reminds me of the reason we returned.  I have no doubt in my mind where my grandma is right now… just kind of sucks to have to miss her so.

And it always brings to mind some deep theological questions as well… when people die, do they suddenly see everything there from heaven?  I certainly hope not!  I just think it would crush my grandma to see what a real louse I am most of the time in my life.  Grandparents have idealistic views, I just want her to keep those.

Of course, that says a lot about who I feel I am.  Sure, I am most of the time no worse than the next guy…..yet all the time I know I could do better.  And someday, maybe I will.

But for now I just want to see my dog and my cat, and sleep in my own bed.  It’s not a lot…..but tonight it means a lot to me.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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