I know what I am doing………

Sometimes I am not sure of even what day it is, and today is such a day.  I guess now that I have looked I can see that it is Thursday, but without looking, tonight at least, I would be lost.  Obviously a lot has been going on, and to tell the truth, the hard parts of all of it are over.

To explain, funerals are really the easy part.  Sure, they can invoke painful memories and lead you down a bad road.  But in all honesty, for this one and the next, there is really nothing to cry about other than missing someone.  I am certain my grandmother is in a marvelous place (after all heaven is decorated in Notre Dame and Chicago Cubs and Bears themes) and is enjoying herself.  And as for her life, she lived 95 healthy and happy years, with a few detours, but no show-stoppers.  She was an amazing grandma, and all of us were devoted to her.  And although I will be officiating at the funeral, there is nothing bad about it at all.  She heard the words “well done” when she hit the Pearly Gates I am sure.

But for now I will just need to make sure I straighten myself up enough to make it!  Honestly, I would have never thought I could have done so well without that stupid medication I was taking.  Clearly this has been a surprise…..and one that I will gladly accept.

Not bad work for a Monday, that’s for dang sure………

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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