Seeking the meaning of yesterday’s covert operation

Scotty and I got to see Stephanie and Cassie last night, although at my age and with how dark it was, those two people could have been anyone.

In retrospect however, the trip was a mistake.  Sure it solved an issue…all the cars are in the right place, but what I really would have enjoyed was seeing my daughter.  I know she hasn’t been gone all that long, but I miss her.  Life is changing, and for me lately quite rapidly and drastically, and I guess at this point in my life I just want a bit of it back.

My time with Steph however was watching her clean out a car at 3 in the morning that she knew we were coming to pick up for hours.   It was rainy and cold.  We were all tired.  It could have all been different in so many ways, and I wish it were.

But in truth, it meant a lot to see her.  She is a special kid and I can’t imagine having a better daughter.  At least I got a few moments.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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