Thank God we are all now safe………

All it took was the purchase of a flashlight you wear on your head and the discovery that it also has a red light feature, and a 4 year old boy in his pajamas becomes more of a superhero protector-guy than ever before.  And I wanted all of you to know that, since many of us sit up late and worry at how our police, fire, and military could ever be enough.  We can all rest easy now.

And it has been a hoot to watch too.  We had to first go into the basement to explore, not that there is more evil to fight there, but because quite honestly, it was just too light upstairs.  I apparently felt confident we could leave, whereas he wanted to stay to root out some evil.  Sadly for him, and luckily for any evil hiding in our basement, I had other stuff to do.  But it is the world of a four year old…….a new thing isn’t nearly as fun by yourself.  You want someone to see how cool you are with it, so that is what we did.

But if the coolness and intimidation factors of wearing a red light do not keep us all safe, perhaps intruders will think we have some sort of alien living here and just pass us by anyway.  

But when I look at him and talk to him, sometimes I wonder if we really do.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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