The end of an era………

Tonight, after much consideration, I sent a letter to my team and informed them of my decision to retire as the Head Coach of the Noblesville High School Women’s Lacrosse Team.  I had been in discussions about this for quite some time, but my personal conversations with my captains this afternoon, and then my email to my players and parents was among the hardest things I have ever had to do.

The truth is, I really love coaching these girls.  They are an awesome bunch, and it really breaks my heart to make this decision.  But we have moved, and Ben will be starting school.  And the reality is that I would have to hire someone to pick him up and watch him so I could attend practice and games.  It just didn’t make sense.  Plus, my daughter is playing college lacrosse on scholarship in Missouri for only three more years.  I would like to see her play.  And Scotty, though attending college right now, will head to boot camp in the US Marines probably in January.  I want to, and SHOULD, attend his graduation in San Diego.  Had I stayed on, there is no way that I could.

But in all honesty, my team is pretty tight and well prepared.  I have offered to stay on as an “interim” as they interview candidates to replace me, as women’s lacrosse does not practice until February.  So I will help schedule the season, help plan for my replacement, and even get a few indoor games under my belt before I leave (let alone three games tomorrow in the Butler Invitational where we have never lost a game!)

It, however, is time.  It has never been about me, but about the girls….it will continue to be so.  But it has been a really a difficult decision for me.

I used to be the priest in the parish that former Michigan University football coach Bo Schembechler grew up in, and was his mom’s priest.  He was  great guy.  And I often spoke with him about how funny I found it that I despised him so much growing up as a Notre Dame fan.  He was never phased by it.  It never was about the coach.  Coaching ultimately is about the team and its record, and players must execute in order to be memorable.  I have had a great tenure, with last year being the only disappointment, but not factoring into my decision.  In truth, I have never scored a goal.  But teach, mentor, and walk with girls who do.  It has been a blessing to me, and one that I cherish.

I am heartbroken to have to walk away.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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