A non-holiday rambler……..

It is only 20 minutes till 8, but I am writing this and heading to bed.  The day has been long and exhausting, not physically, but emotionally.  There are very few things I love more in this life than coaching, but I really needed to hand over the reigns.  But a good reason doesn’t make it any easier.  After all, as I said, I love what I do.

As a priest of many years, there are not too many things in my life that are tangible.  Sure, the church planting thing creates churches, but it is not the same as coaching.  There is an actual thing called a “Church Planting Coach,” but I will say although the field borrows the name “coach” it is far different from how I understand my role.

As I type this tonight I have a great desire to be clear, but I know my current mind well enough to understand that this hope will be a lost cause.  Some things in life just cannot be explained away, and I suppose this is one of them.  I guess that means I just need to let it ride.

So off to an early bedtime I go, if I can sleep.  Tomorrow is another day and I will celebrate it among the saints of St. Matthew’s in Nashville.  I am looking forward to it too.  Heading back to work seems the best thing for me at this time.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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