
Sometimes I find myself between two worlds…….I am an organized guy stuck between making lists that I can see, and technology.  AND, at this point, I am not quite sure what I prefer.

Of course, on those rare occasions I have lost my notes or calendar, I regret not having that back up….so that is a point for technology.  But really, I cannot see too small of print and that drives me nuts….I guess I must just declare these “in between” times and live with them.

My wife does both……and for the life of me, I do not know how.  As I was typing this I got the brilliant idea to ask her, which I did, but she is on the phone.  She will be in my office in a minute to tell me.

Okay, it has been 15 minutes and I am still waiting so I will have to fill everyone in later….but I need some help.  I like being able to see everything, but I cannot see everything on the small screen of my phone.  I DID switch to an IPhone so it was compatible with my computer, but it is still not ideal.  Ouch ouch ouch…all I want to do is be productive in a way that does not hurt.

If you have any suggestions dear readers, please let me know.  Perhaps an $800 IPad that I cannot afford??  No no no….let’s be cheap and let’s be creative.  I need to find solutions now!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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