Not a better place, not a better picture……..

As the regular followers of this blog know, we will be heading down to Evansville on Thursday for the interment of my mom next to my sister Stephanie on Friday at the Oak Hill Cemetery.  And trying to be the responsible guy I am, I contacted a hotel in Evansville, The Drury Inn, to arrange a group rate for both  Thursday and Friday so no one would need to worry about arranging that themselves.

Of course the whole idea has gotten all mucked up with the death of my grandma and all the other stuff thrown at my family this past month.  So to make a long story short, we were the ONLY ones in my family staying both days, so Amanda told me to cancel the Friday night reservation.

So this morning, I called the Drury and I was put on hold.  Of course when you are “on hold” you have the great blessing and privilege to hear all their advertisements and their attempts at being cute and funny. The Drury is not the exception to the rule at all.

But I was particularly taken by how they offer one hour of free long distance during every stay.  Sixty full minutes of talk time from THEIR phone, not yours.  As I was listening to it, I thought it was kind of a neat concept…..and then it finished that part with the words, “and now you will have to find a different excuse to not call your mom.”

Believe me, I almost hit the floor……..laughing.  My mom would have LOVED that.  But of course her being dead now, and all of us heading to the Drury to stay for her funeral, I couldn’t help but think how my mom might want us to discuss just who it is we might call……  And I giggled, because I just could not wait to get off hold.

And my “agent” couldn’t have been better, because when I shared this, at first she was horrified, but then when I shared how my mom would have got a kick out of it, she laughed pretty hard.  She also shared that her husband had recently died as well, and that she wanted to decorate his grave with a few things, but was afraid people might be offended.  I thought about how sad that was….we all die, but funny people  shouldn’t be declared serious people just because they stop living.  I want plenty of laughter at my grave…..I know my mom does too.

But in all reality, I will not be calling her from the Drury, although all of us appreciate the offer.  We will instead have a great time.  Viper will not be going to the kennel this time, but will have house guests, so I suppose he will be to busy to take calls.  But I indeed will make at least one in honor of my dearly departed mom.

I don’t know to whom the call should go……I just know my mom would want it to be funny.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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