We are always safe……..

We are always safe, knowing especially that they are there. For this morning I ran into these two in the hallway and was informed that one was “Batman,” while the other was “Squirrel Dog,” and that they had been patrolling the house.

First of all, I questioned how a kid that looked just like my son was Batman, but he directed my attention to those new Batman shoes we bought at the Meijer yesterday.  The whole Squirrel Dog thing was rather obvious, in that he carries that stuffed squirrel (squeakers in tact) everywhere.

But it made me rest easy that is for sure…..but it also made me wonder if I should also continue paying for that alarm service as well.  I think for now I will keep both.  After all, you can never be too careful.

I am just thankful that we are blessed……we are clearly so much safer than most.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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