Celebrating our Happy Anniversary……

Some people are really blessed, and clearly my wife is one of them.  For today is our anniversary, and to show her a great time, I drove her down to Evansville for my mom’s funeral which will take place tomorrow.  I also was able to buy her and the  boys a nice dinner at the Burger King drive-thru in Washington, Indiana, home of the famous Brooklyn Dodger Gil Hodges…….no girl could ask for more.

Of course, all that certainly was not the original plan.   To be honest, we went to dinner the night before and I gave her her gifts then.  Had I had ANY foresight clearly one of them should have been a gift certificate from the Berger King in Washington, Indiana.  I did consider Dodgers tickets, but I know they no longer play in Brooklyn, not only because my dad is still mad about it, but because he was born and raised there.  And I am pretty sure Mr. Hodges no longer plays……although if he did these days it would most certainly be for the Cubs or the Indians.

Anyway. Happy Anniversary to us!  I do not know how I could ever top this year, but I certainly am going to, next year, give it a try.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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