Mom is laid to rest……..

Well, it is now about 9:30, and we are once again home after a long trip to Evansville to lay my mom to rest next to my sister Stephanie.  It really was a beautiful day and a beautiful service, that was conducted by Father Dan Conley and his assistant Chaplain Jimmy Ridgley at the graveside.

There were about 20 of us there, and it was a blessing to see them all.  Some of my family I hadn’t seen in quite some time, and it reminded me of how much I miss them.  My nieces and nephew in particular are great kids, and as I spoke I pointed out how all my mom ever wanted to do was to retire and to spend time with all her grand kids.  It was something she only briefly was able to do.  She would have loved to have been there among them today.

But the blessing for me was to be with them all and my other relatives and know how pleased she would be to be laid to rest next to her oldest daughter.  Both her daughters, Steph and Sarah, are gone and although the last time she had been to that cemetery was for Steph’s funeral, the blessing of having her grave there in such a beautiful place is to know that she too thought it was a beautiful place.  It really could not have worked out better.

But for now I am glad to be home and actually typing while in my bed.  It seems like tomorrow is Sunday, but I will just have to be satisfied with getting to sleep in a little in the morning I guess.  I apologize for the picture, in that it is not one from today, but it is of the stone right after it was set a few days ago.  I just didn’t have the thought in my head to take a picture, and I was the driver for my family so I was unable to get back and take one after the luncheon we shard together.  But my mom would be proud of how it went.

I am just saddened that she didn’t get to live the life she hoped for.  Alzheimer’s, like the cancer that took my sisters, is a rotten thing.  Life however is better for them all now, as I hope it is for our family.  These last 60 days have been a bit much for all of us.  My hope and prayer is that we now have some time to heal and recover……and of course get everything back to just the “normal” that we all just want again.

Home sweet home!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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