Up all night in Painsville………

Well of course my sleep schedule is all messed up, and despite that, I am in unbelievable pain.  I am certain it is not the Colts’ game or the Bears’ loss yesterday that is the cause, I just know I am one big ball of pain.  I am not sure why, but hopefully tonight’s sleep (if sleep indeed comes) will be the end of it.

But other than the searing pain, everything else is just all bunnies and flowers.  Of course I am a guy, so bunnies and flowers are not a big draw to me, but the idea is that despite the pain, everything else seems to be getting back to normal.  It is welcome scenery too.  I am not in need of victories at this point, but a few days without loss would suit me just fine…..as would a good night’s sleep.

Oh how I wish everyday were like Leave it to Beaver…..three meals a day, very little conflict, and smiles on every face!  Sadly, life is not all that black and white.  My day will be longer tomorrow because my night is stretching out as I type with the pain.  And I seriously doubt I will be greeted by my wife in an apron with breakfast.  If that happens I am clearly in a coma someplace.

But each day brings new opportunity and challenges.  I am looking forward to tomorrow.  We will be meeting as clergy in Nashville to discuss many things.

It will be a good way to move on from today.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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