Ooh Rah!!!

Well since I FORGOT to get a good picture today, this one is an old one and one of my favorites.  It is  Ben just home from the hospital.  For us it was a blessed day…..not only did we get to take him home, but in four-plus years, this was one of the only times he has been quiet.

So tonight I am here in my office typing this after a long, busy, and productive day.  Of course there are no distractions…..just Scott, Ben, and Viper running and screaming and laughing all through the house.  Scott better get it out of his system too.  As I understand it, the United States Marines don’t do the “playtime” thing before bed.

And although Scott is not yet off to boot camp, he has made it clear…..he wants to be a Marine like his brother will be.  Scott will shout “Semper Fi” and Ben will shout back “Ooh Rah!”  It is funny now, but I know at this time next year one of my boys will be a Marine.  The other probably will follow.  Ben idolizes Scotty and they are truly best friends.  I am pretty sure we will be repeating lacrosse and all the hockey stuff too.

And it is all fine with me.  I wasn’t much of an example at Scott’s age, in fact quite the opposite.  At 17, I went to the Marine recruiter to both join and straighten out my twisted life.  It was a desperate attempt on my part to get my life together.  Sadly, in my mind though he already had me enlisting, he chose to lie to me thinking I was not totally committed.  I left his office rudely and abruptly.  I am surprised he didn’t punch me.  But I consider this one of the biggest mistakes of my life…..others say however, this was just God’s plan.

I suppose all this might say that God’s plan is often something that surprises us.  To be honest, I would have been a far better Marine in my mind than a priest.  Somehow I have always considered it some sort of heavenly joke.  But the proof is in the pudding as they say, and I suppose I cannot deny I have had a remarkable ministry.  I just always thought I would have been the Marine.  “Ooh Rah” and “Semper Fi” all through my house if you want, that is fine.  I wanted to be a Marine, my son, and maybe sons, will become one.  To me, it is a far higher honor.  Scott is in the gym everyday preparing for his entrance test, and his Sergeant is there with him (I WOULD say cheering) egging him on.  He will become what I could not, and man, that just makes my day, if not my life. (and he is not even joining because he is screwed up).  I am just a humble (young, and delusional) priest.

But the best part is that I have included a great picture!  We are actually ALL together in it…even my mother-in-law who you cannot see.  It reminds me of easier times.

Steph is now living in Missouri, although traveling as her team played this weekend in the Carolinas.  Scotty will be leaving for San Diego soon.  Ben will be starting school any day, and Amanda and I probably just ought to pre-plan my funeral!!  (It’s all good, I have a lot of experience now).

But the truth is, life changes, and we have no guarantees.  It rarely turns  out as we imagined, and time is the judge of how we do with it all.  But as for me, although I am disappointed at parts, I can see God’s Hand in it all….despite the fact that I wished for different outcomes.

In the end however, God is in control.

I hope He knows what He is doing…..after all, He made me a priest!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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