Yes, they are called the Zips……

Yes, they are called the Zips…..and it is the mascot fo good old Akron University in Akron, Ohio.  I am here tonight for a meeting, but the meeting in now over and I am in the hotel and will return home tomorrow.  It has been a busy day, but a good one.

Of course the BIG question is, “WHY the kangaroo…and PARTICULARLY in AKRON, OHIO.”  I have no clue as to why this is, but any university that will award a degree to my friends is suspicious from the start.

But for now I will not judge, but just enjoy the scenery of Akron…..(which is very similar to Barbados).  I am just glad to be here, but look forward to heading home where the mascots do indeed make sense.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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