Progress and playoffs, why have you evaded me??

I have been working from home all day, and although I have accomplished A LOT, I do not feel that I have made any significant progress.  I suppose treading water does keep you alive, but you still need to get somewhere so you do not drown.  The good news is that perhaps I can find a way to chalk it up as exercise so I can feel a bit better about it.

But we, and when I say “we” I mean the clergy and churches we serve, are on the cusp of some transition and we just want to be both careful and intentional about moving through it.  Change always brings a level of tension, and tension if not handled correctly can really poison the well.  So we are being very intentional as we seek God’s Will for us through these times.  My preference of course would be if He’d just send me an email or even call……but I will not hold my breath for that!

On the upside, things, although slow, seem to be moving along well.  And the clergy should have some recommendations within the next two weeks.  But the bottom line is that we would like to plant deep roots now and then just grow.  Hopefully the Good Lord will grant us our prayer.

But with that, maybe I should just stop typing and go see if my beloved Chicago Cubs are playing tonight in the playoffs.  They aren’t, but I can dream!  And hopefully next year at this time, when we are settled and well on our way, I will have a productive day filled with progress……and close it by watching the Cubs play on their way to 2012 World Series greatness!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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