He’s not too interested…………not!

Although I think my life is pretty interesting, our dog Viper is often just not all that interested in taking part.  I picked him up at the vet recently (where he got a bath and a haircut from their groomer) only to be told that he had fun and might be a little tired when he got home.  I really couldn’t tell.  He sleeps 23 hours a day.

But your suspected diagnosis of narcolepsy would be errant.  Viper lives this life by choice.  He has interest in the things he wants to and other things he just ignores (he’s like a big cat with personality).  This picture was taken during the Notre Dame game, which doesn’t mean he isn’t a big fan.  He is always aware that a touchdown could mean a trip to the kitchen or an available hand to pat a head.  He in truth is probably just conserving his energy, for if I said “hey, let’s take a ride,” he would beat me to the door.

But he really is a great dog. And no, we do not count on him as a guard dog, we have an alarm….but the cat can be pretty mean.  I do however admire him and his easy-going style with all my heart.  If only all of us could relax in such a way!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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