The forgotten tale of honest Ben……..

I really cannot believe I forgot this story, but on Saturday night Ben snuck into our bed at about 3 or 4 am.  That is not the interesting part of the story.  The interesting part is how I was summoned back to our room by my wife who said she wanted me to see something.  And there in my bed was Ben…….with a big hunk of chewing gum in his hair.

Of course this was not my first rodeo, so I said to him, as he was visibly upset about the gum in his hair, “where did you get that gum, and how did it get into your hair?”  And he looked at me not able to tell as lie just as George Washington when confronted about that cherry tree (yes, I know that is probably not a true story) and said “Scotty put the gum in my hair!”

I do know that this was not true.  Ben probably snuck some of his brother’s gum and had it in his mouth as he went to bed.  Kids often do that, and I am just thankful his emergency haircut wasn’t worse.

But what made me remember this was finding out from Scott that Ben wore his Halloween costume to Cindy’s today.  Scott didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to, but Ben did!  So when I told Amanda about it he did what any other four year old would do……….he blamed it on his brother!  As I have shared these things with Scott he just smiles, but they are brothers.  Ben will feel some revenge sooner or later I am sure.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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