
Yes, we have been working on the truck.  And although ideally the thing to do would be to have it professionally done, we cannot afford that, so Scott and I have been improvising.  This is a truck we only use to haul sticks and limbs, and get mulch.  There is no daily driving of it.  It just doesn’t need to be an eyesore.

And now of course it is not, that is unless you get up next to it and see the “non-professional” job we did. But the cool part is that you can now not see through the sides of it, it does now STOP, and it is actually pretty fun to drive.  It does not have air conditioning, and I need to fix the fan on the heater (as well as the turn signals) but as soon as I do we will have an all-weather truck.

So yes, at least for now we are back to “drivable,” which means in our family “to drive without embarrassment.”  It will not win a beauty contest, nor is it the kind of thing you would take on a long trip. But at least it is ours, and more importantly, no longer an eyesore to the neighborhood!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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