Working hard on principle…..

Yes, we are engaged and still married each and every day.  Amanda and I decided to replace her old wedding/engagement ring set and the size of the new ring was not quite right.  So we needed to have it re-sized.  The rings I had bought her were nice, but the engagement ring in particular, stuck up pretty high (almost all 8 carat diamonds do).  But being pretty “old-school,” neither of us like to take off our rings.  But a few years ago, after snagging that ring on our covers many times, we bought a $7.00 wedding band at Kohls for her to wear as her “nighttime wedding ring,” and it has worked well so far.

AN IMPORTANT NOTE – There are videos come out sideways on the blog but correctly on Facebook.  The one with Ben is the one to watch first.  His mom is elsewhere in the store and we were plotting.

But we have talked about this a lot, as she also takes Taekwondo and would have to switch to this nighttime ring so as to not injure other people or equipment.  We decided to have her go to just one ring, that looks like her current wedding band, which is soldered to engagement ring, and that would solve it all.  But both her wedding band, as well as that pricey $7.00 ring, were meant to be in a set, and apart from being soldered to an engagement ring, you can hardly even see them, even close up.

So we made arrangements to get this new ring, which kind of looks like both of the ones she has in terms of bands, but much wider.  She will no longer wear the engagement ring or a set, but as I said, it needed to be re sized.  That takes just a little time.

But being purists, I wanted her to have something to wear, so as she and Ben were checking out at the Walmart, I ran over to the jewelry counter and dropped close to 10 full dollars for a SET, big diamond (which I am just sure is real) and all.  I then met them at the front of the store where I enlisted Ben to help me in what I refer to as my “RE-proposal” by serving as my cameraman.  The video of him is my interview of him prior to filming the “main-event.” But the videos are only up on Facebook as they do not post here right side up.

(Spoiler alert) I won’t try to spoil the ending here, but I asked her in the Barnes and Noble (on video…..although they both come out sideways on the blogger, but right side up on Facebook) to “stay married to me.”  It is probably not all that hard to guess what happens as we both still live in the same house.  Enjoy!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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