A real blessing………

Among quite a few other things I did today, I was able to head over to Noblesville and bless some dogs in their home……Labrador Retrievers……four of them.  It is always a hoot to be there, and especially now for me as we have taken a break in the dog breeding business, because we usually have four or five Goldens at home ourselves.  We now however, are just down to one…..Viper.

But unlike Viper, these dogs we awake and ready to roll!  It was a blast too.  If I just had a tennis ball and a big field I would swear I was in heaven!  There was a lot of tail wagging, ear scratching, and laughter.  It really did make my day.  And, it was something that I really needed.

Too often in life the details get in the way.  Sure, they are important, but often it is healthy for us to just set them aside, even for a minute, and play.  Simple things, like scratching the ears of a dog and just knowing they are glad to see you, can bring a lot of life and joy back into a day.  I’ve got a lot on my plate, and these past few months have been terrible.  But the dogs didn’t care about that, they were just happy to see me, as I them.  And quite honestly, they didn’t care if I was there to bless them or not.

If only the world would be so gracious and kind!

Yep, I am home, and back to being hard at work.  But tonight I thank God for my four four-legged friends, who gave me a good dose or just exactly what I needed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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